
Found 16 search results for: Jerzy Osiatyński

Jerzy Osiatyński (2021/3, Articles, p. 323)

Limitations Of The Old Paradigms Of The Macroeconomic Policy. How To Replace Or Correct Them?

The article deals with the limitations of the old paradigms of fiscal and macroeconomic policy and the way of replacing or correcting them. The first part discusses the limitations of fiscal and macroeconomic policy in general in the context of the contemporary mainstream economics. The second part includes an analysis of the interdependence of the criteria of fiscal policy and the (...)

Jerzy Osiatyński (2021/1, In memoriam, p. 7)

Mario Nuti (1937–2020)

Domenico Mario Nuti, known as Mario Nuti, was an eminent Italian economist who most of his professional life spent in Cambridge, but for whom Poland has always been his beloved country and the top subject of research. His first field of study in Warsaw, under supervision of Michał Kalecki, was the Polish methodology of examining economic efficiency of investment projects which was rather (...)

Jerzy Osiatyński (2020/4, In memoriam, p. 504)

Julio López Gallardo (1941–2020)

Eckhard Hein (2020/3, Book Reviews, p. 495)

Kazimierz Łaski: Lectures in Macroeconomics: A Capitalist Economy without Unemployment, (ed.) Jerzy Osiatyński, Jan Toporowski

Jerzy Osiatyński (2020/2, Articles, p. 236)

Michał Kalecki and the Contemporary Development Problems of Capitalist Economy

This paper presents the studies of Michał Kalecki on the dynamics and cyclical development of the capitalist economy, which brought him the largest renown and esteem and which are further developed and reinterpreted, notably in the framework of the contemporary post-Keynesian economics. In the introduction, the author shows the axiology of the Kalecki’s research on the developed capitalist (...)

Jerzy Osiatyński (2016/3, Articles, p. 293)

Quo vadis euro – Unio? Perspektywa ekonomii postkeynesowskiej

The strategy adopted by the European Central Bank, European Commission and International Monetary Fund after the outbreak of the global crisis aims at creating new, sustainable foundations for economic growth for member states of the eurozone and of the whole European Union, at full employment and the dynamics of output corresponding to the potential output. This strategy is based on the (...)

Jerzy Osiatyński (2016/1, In memoriam, p. 6)

Kazimierz Łaski (1921–2015)

Jerzy Osiatyński (2015/6, Book Reviews, p. 921)

Eckhard Hein, Distribution and Growth Theories After Keynes: A Post-Keynesian Guide

Jerzy Osiatyński (2015/6, Book Reviews, p. 926)

Thomas L. Palley, From Financial Crisis to Stagnation: the Destruction of Shared Prosperity and the Role of Economics

Jerzy Osiatyński (2015/4, Articles, p. 453)

Kalecki and “the Golden Rule of Accumulation”

The concept of the “golden rule of accumulation” appeared in economic debates in mid-1950s, has been analytically developed and popularized by Edmund Phelps and much discussed in the early 1960s, but it is rooted in Harrod-Domar growth models. The central proposition of the rule is that among a continuum of economies each of which represents ever greater capital-output ratio, there is only (...)

Jerzy Osiatyński (2014/2, Articles, p. 275)

Is Meeting the Convergence Criteria from Maastricht Always Beneficial for the Economy?

Until the world financial crisis of 2007–2008, the convergence criteria contained in the Maastricht Treaty have been commonly considered beneficial for countries that persistently observed them, although there is no economic theory from which those criteria and their specific numerical values could be derived from. Also in Poland an overwhelming majority of economists, policy makers and (...)

Kazimierz Łaski, Jerzy Osiatyński (2013/1, Articles, p. 9)

Consolidation of Public Finance and the Euro Crisis

The authors see the roots of the present euro-zone crisis in three pillars of market fundamentalism on which the construction of the European Economic and Monetary Union is founded: 1) separation of a common monetary policy from national fiscal policies of individual member countries; 2) the goal of government budget equilibrium which is believed to provide macroeconomic stability of each (...)

Jerzy Osiatyński (2011/5, Articles, p. 659)

Preconditions of Poland’s Entry to the Euro Area

A ssuming that the European Economic and Monetary Union survives its current financial crisis, the author tries to answer the question what conditions Poland should meet prior to entering the eurozone that would enable it to maintain and strengthen its competitive position after the entry to the euro area. The ability of any free trade zone member country to sustain its competitive position (...)

Kazimierz Łaski, Jerzy Osiatyński, Jolanta Zięba (2010/6, Articles, p. 805)

Factors of GDP Growth in Poland and the Czech Republic in 2009

First, the concept of public expenditure multiplier is redefined to allow for import intensity of exports, and its value is estimated for Poland and the Czech Republic in 2008–2009. Next, on the basis of effective demand model of economic dynamics, there follows a comparative analysis of GDP dynamics in the two countries in 2008-09 and of the factors that in 2009 made the rate of GDP growth (...)

Jerzy Osiatyński (2010/6, Book Reviews, p. 891)

Paul Davidson, The Keynes Solution: the Path to Global Economic Prosperity

Jerzy Osiatyński (2010/5, Book Reviews, p. 759)

Julio López, G. Michaël Assous, Michał Kalecki
